
This blog is a creation of the EVS/ESC volunteers from Centar Krugovi, Zagreb, Croatia.
Here they post a lot of information about their EVS/ESC experience.
But, first of all,
Do you know what is an ESC?
An ESC is an EU program that leads people with the age of 18 until 30 to a volunteering experience. There are two types of EVS/ESC, short term and long term. The short term goes up to 2 months. And the long term is with the minimum of 2 months and maximum of 12 months.
You want to travel and see a new culture?
Helping people makes you happy?
Do you want to learn a new language?
Wanna have a new work experience in an (un)known field?
Meet new people?
Then ESC is the best experience for you! 🙂

Are you looking for an ESC? Look in here
Keep following our blog and find out more and more with our posts.

Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life.
Important Info, can i share it?
With thanks! Valuable information!
With thanks! Valuable information!